Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Eye can see clearly now

As someone with absolutely terrible vision I can tell you glasses and contacts suck. Contacts are a pain to deal with, and can have disastrous consequences if you forget them.

Glasses aren't any better. They are expensive as hell, fragile, and irritating whenever you want to do anything active. Not to mention how annoying this is:

(Left): Fogged up glasses; (Right): Glasses in the rain

For a long, long time there were no other options when it came to correcting vision. Even contact lenses are relatively new, especially compared with how long glasses existed as the sole option. Then came the advent of corrective eye surgery either using a microkeratome or lasers. How sci-fi is that by the way? Even though its commonplace it's still really cool that doctors can correct your vision by shooting lasers into your eyes. Also referred to as LASIK, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, this process involves reshaping the cornea to improve visual acuity.
While this procedure has been shown to correct vision with a 92-98% success rate (based upon surveys of LASIK patients during March, 2008) there are a number of associated risks. Such risks and complications can include: dry eyes (usually temporary but can lead to dry eye syndrome if untreated), corneal scarring (1.44% incidence rate), retinal detachment (0.36% incidence rate), and vision loss due to infection (0.0001% incidence rate). As well around 5% of patients report vision regression later in life, most often becoming nearsighted which is standard for everyone once they reach about 40-45 years of age. So overall LASIK and other eye surgery techniques are still incredibly beneficial, although success is defined as correction to at least 20/40 vision (the minimum required to obtain a driver's license in the USA) and relatively risk free. Now however, there is a new technique which could consign LASIK and all previous vision correctives to the history books. That's right I'm talking about robot eyes.

Bender (Futurama) gasp!

Finally the day we have all been dreaming of since we first saw Predator and the Terminator is upon us! We will soon be able to upgrade from puny, pathetic human vision to the far superior ROBOVISION!

Terminator vision:

OK so I might have exaggerated a bit. The new procedure won't actually give you heat vision (yet). In fact it won't even give you 20/20 vision. No, it will give you 3x better than 20/20 vision! Developed by an optometrist from British Columbia, Dr. Garth Webb, the Ocumetics Bionic Lens surgically replaces the lens in your eye in a procedure taking approximately 8 minutes according to Dr. Webb. On top of the instant, and permanent eyesight correction, the new lens removes the risk of regression and prevents the development of cataracts. As of May, 2015 Dr. Webb and his team were waiting to begin animal trials, and hopefully following success there human trials. Optimistically the new lenses will be available in Canada within the next 2 years. Until that time however all we can do is wait, and hopefully see.


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